Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day 2017! If you still don’t have dinner plans check out Ducey’s Valentine’s Getaway with Dinner!!
Rules of the Lake
Ladies and gentleman, these are the rules of the lake. Rule #1: Respect the sign. Send your rules to info@basslakeboatrentals.com.
Get Your 2017 Bass Lake permit on January 1!
Beat the crowds! Get your 2017 Bass Lake lake permit on January 1!!
Who is gonna be #1?
#basslake #basslakeboatrentals
Happy New Year 2017!
Happy New Year 2017 to you and yours from everyone here at Bass Lake Boat Rentals and Marina!
Be sure to come out for the New Year’s Eve fireworks at Bass Lake Saturday night December 31st.
The fireworks will be launched from the Bass Lake Marina so be sure to get here early.
Family fun for everyone and a great way to usher in 2017!
See ya here!!
The Crew
Happy Thanksgiving 2016!
Hi! Happy Thanksgiving 2016 to you!
Thanksgiving is is a time to reflect and give thanks. Everyone here at Bass Lake Boat Rentals would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation for you being a member of our extended family. You are very special to us.
Wishing you and yours all the best in everything and have a great Thanksgiving!
Call (559) 642-3200 or email with any questions.
See ‘ya here!
Thanks *|FNAME|*
Bass Lake Boat Rentals Marina
54406 Marina Drive Rd 432
Click for Map
P.O. Box 222
Bass Lake CA 93604
Endless Summer
Warning, parental advisory suggested, as this blog may be inappropriate for any adult that wants to just give up on summer and accept the change of seasons.
Don’t write this summer off just yet!
Endless Summer
We here at watersports refuse to believe that summer is over. Summer is never REALLY over, is it?
While September 22 may be the official summer term date, this summer is still fresh in our minds.
I don’t know if you are privy to our lifestyle up here, but Bass Lake has three seasons and then winter.
Before Summer
We have before summer, kind of like Triple A in baseball.
Lot’s of pro stuff happens, and injuries are worked through during this time period.
Summer Summer
Then we have ‘summer summer’, which ain’t no poser…it’s the real deal here.
Family, fun, boats and sun. Life is good, toes in the sand type summer.
After Summer
And then we have after summer, which is summer without any people.
Kind of like Naked and Afraid summer…summer without clothes.
It’s summer for those who don’t really need the crowds.
The Beaches are Back
So stop saying the obvious (What a great summer, I can’t believe summer went by so fast, and so on, and start packing).
I’ll let you in on a little secret…OUR BEACHES JUST FOUND OUT SUMMER IS HERE.
They didn’t get the memo, the fax, the voicemail, the tweet, the post, the pic.
Our beaches just got the word, old school, and they are back with a vengeance.
We had such a great year with all this water, and now it is going to be a great after summer with beaches and great weather.
Clothing optional.
So stop pretending summer is over, and stop planning that trip to Mexico or Hawaii to get warm and pretend it’s summer.
‘Cause summer is still here peeps, it’s just missing you.
When you get here in September or October (always open with all equipment available year ’round), then we will plan for NEXT summer.
BTW, right now it is in the mid eighties and our water is 78. Any Questions?
See you here!
Bass Lake Boat Rentals Marina
54406 Marina Drive Rd 432
Click for Map
P.O. Box 222
Bass Lake CA 93604
Make Magnetic Memories
So Many Lists
We make lists. Summer project lists, bucket lists, grocery lists. Then, we often prioritize what’s on these lists.
Well, time is running out, and your priorities should change. Throw those lists on the fridge with another magnet. And come get a magnet at Bass Lake Watersports.
Don’t Miss Out on the End of Summer
Summer is coming to an end, and I want you to make one more list. Make a family list. List one thing you want to do with your family before we all get back into the ‘grind,’ because you know it’s coming. Then go do it.
Go surfing, hike a trail, go to Yosemite, or come to Bass Lake and make a great memory on one of our boats.
Get Your Magnet
I’ll give you a magnet free with any rental, but you need to use this magnet for one thing, and one thing only. It holds the picture we took of you and your family having a great day.
Hope to see you soon, but if not, I hope you have to buy another magnet.
Get on the Scene with the Bass Lake Queen
The Bass Lake Queen scene here at the Bass Lake Water Sports Marina. Don’t dream. Tour with the Queen!
Crazy Good Fourth of July 2016 at Bass Lake Water Sports Marina
You saw the lineup for the Fourth of July. All day fun with the celebration followed by Deejay at the Marina, Fire Dancers and then the 2016 fireworks! Well it went off crazy good!!
Make Your Bass Lake Vacation Easy
Vacation is a word that immediately puts thousands of images in our head.
It encompasses a myriad of thoughts and allows us to ‘get though’ some days knowing we are treating ourselves to a “VACATION”.
Time for Yourself?
You are busy with daily ‘life’. Things such as work, school, kids, sports, new projects and goals, and trying to get some time for yourself (is that possible?).
While life can be stressful, vacation and vacation planning should not be stressful at all.
Believe it or not, I can help. And I will make it real easy for you to be in Bass Lake when you want.
Beautiful Bass Lake As Always
Bass Lake is as beautiful as ever. But we are missing something. YOU!
Kinda like the map ‘you are here’. Well, ‘You are not here yet’.
Let’s get you here. For a quick family bonding trip if that’s all you can do. Or a week.
Come On Up
Shoot me an email with your family size and age range, how long you think you may stay in Bass Lake. I will offer suggestions. Including boating (of course), so you can SIMPLIFY your life.
I will offer trip suggestions that may open your eyes to some more of what this area has to offer.
You email me. I return with suggestions. And that’s it.
I will NOT bug you. I will NOT shoot you another email or spam you.
I will only respond if you ask.
Great Summer 2016 in Bass Lake
Summer is right around the corner. And with a decent amount of rainfall this winter and spring, Bass Lake and Bass Lake Boat Rentals are showing signs of a great year.
We really want you to be part of this great year.
SIMPLIFY your life…email me.
Bass Lake Watersports
P.O. Box 222
Bass Lake CA 93604