Bass Lake Boat Service & Maintenance
Full Service Boat Maintenance & Repair
For all your boat and watercraft service needs, come to Bass Lake Boat Rentals, where you’ll find your full-time mechanic on duty 5 – 7 DAYS A WEEK, depending on season.
From Jet Skis and Patio Boats, to Wake Boats and Outboards, you”re covered.
Service, maintenance, chat . . . you name it.
You can get it all at Bass Lake Boat Rentals, ALL DAY, SEVEN DAYS A WEEK! (Yes, In A Row!)
Your marina and mechanics shop is located RIGHT IN THE CENTER OF BASS LAKE.
Your only full service marina, ON Bass Lake, where ALL the ACTION is, come to
the center of town on the north shore.
Come on by for the best service, or chat with our mechanic about your boat issue! You WILL keep boating!